I'm not ashamed to admit it, either.

Jun 01, 2007 21:32

I really wanted to play the guitar tonight. But last night, when I was just strumming along and practicing some scales (which I haven't done since approximately 1998), Seaves said, "I think that's too loud." But tonight I wanted to rock the fuck out. It was not to be.

I am currently drinking from one of my Senior Bar cups...one of the last ones made, actually, since they got all snooty and changed Senior Bar into "Legends." These cups were (are) legendary for Cup Night Outages. Ask bassmike about some whiskey sours that got us into trouble one night after Folk Choir rehearsal. Yes, kids, that's right. We brought our cup night cups with us to CHOIR PRACTICE then walked over to Senior Bar where we knew the bartenders, drank 20 oz whiskey sours all night long and then later I threw up outside of The Backer. I think I hooked up with Francesca Pons that night, too. But I could be mistaken. About the night, not about the hookup. Or maybe both. God she was hot.

ANYWAY, I'm drinking some concoction made up of the following: ice. Southern Comfort (refrain from your disparaging comments all you unbelievers! I've heard it all before!). Amaretto. Jim Beam. Lemonade. (The Beam gives it some bite.)

I've had three of them and a sandwich from Lou and Harry's. I'm feeling no pain. Except that I'd like to rock the fuck out and I can't because I will awaken the He Dragon Who Should Not Be Disturbed After 7:30. It's for the best, really.

bussboy has a tremendous cover of Beyonce's "Irreplaceable." I'd never heard the original until I checked it out tonight after listening to D's version of it about 25 times today. I guess now I know 'bout him. Shit's good! You should check it out!

I wanted to say something else but now I can't remember. Perhaps it will come to me. Love will come to you!

music, guitar playing, drinking

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