30% of American's surveyed couldn't name the year in which the September 11, 2001 attacks occurred.
Our nation is doomed. Seriously doomed. How do we expect to extend a functioning democracy, which requires involved and educated citizens to participate in their own governing, if ONE THIRD OF THE PEOPLE SURVEYED can't even recall the year in which the worst terrorist attacks in our history as a nation happened. And what does it say about "the people's" understanding / acceptance of the War on Terror that has been ongoing since that date in Two Thousand Aught One?
Honest to God, this makes me so concerned about the future of the country. We're already devolving into some backassward psuedo-theocracy run by independently wealthy oil men. And now the citizens of this once great, once proud nation can't even remember the year we were attacked?!?
It's simply exasperating and disheartening. I'm sure I've ranted about this before, about how refering to that day as simply "9/11" was a horrible marketing ploy for the neocon chickenhawks pushing for war. I'm going to go find those journal entries and put them here.