
Dec 28, 2004 16:08

I just finished watching 'The Rock' with Ev. It was decent. This morning at practice my knee was just crap. We had to do 20 sets of 400IM.. ew. So I made it through about 8 of them and my knee was throbbing so I just stopped to let it calm down like I have been doing in the past. This time it didn't go away. So I was just sitting on the pool deck waiting for it to feel better and coach comes over and he starts telling me it's not fair that I am sitting out and the rest of my teammates are swimming. NO SHIT. As if I don't feel bad enough... while watching my friends basically.. die. Why doesn't he understand that I am doing the best I can to get through this. 99% of the time while swimming my knee hurts... and I just keep swimming. Finding Nemo's a good movie. Okay anyways.. I have another orthopediestictomotristatric appointment soon. I really want to get this over with before the MLK Long Island meet on the 12th fdasfjdsal;djka I want to go so bad. All is well and good otherwise. I spent the day with Ossie.. my dog. He's weirder than last time we hung out. That's right, I chill with my dog. We eat animal crackers. rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.) rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.) rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.) rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.) rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.) rte_nosupport=(Sorry, your browser does not currently support the rich text environment.) NO PICTURES FOR MACINTOSH USERS GET THE PICTURE DUH. ah.. here's my photobucket account. deftones343/ link it yourself lazy-asses. I have to like.. clean and call grandma and stuff. Bye.
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