Older, wiser.

May 23, 2009 18:32

Today, my actual age (23) inches closer to my internal age (indeterminate, but I'll say approximately 28).

I've never cared for the inherent selfishness of birthdays, for the unjustified self-importance underlying the celebration of one's entrance into the world. Like all animals, we emerge from the womb, we age, and we die. To some extent, birthdays seem like knee-jerk reactions - compensatory signposts marking rare appreciative moments in lives taken for granted - not to mention excuses to place oneself at the center of attention. The latter, of course, is a situation with which I find myself decidedly uncomfortable.

That said, humans have always delighted in inventing excuses to enjoy themselves, and I would be a hypocrite if I claimed that I were any different. Tonight will feature bowling and bars, but more importantly, it will feature the company of my greatest friends here, and thus I cannot curb my gleeful anticipation of the festivities.

I could continue waxing philosophical, but frankly, that would be boring. Instead, I will offer some lyrical sustenance in the form of two lines that, for one reason or another, speak to this moment in my life. The first comes from  the fabulous John Vanderslice, whose new album Romanian Names is undoubtedly one of his best: Today you could be almost anywhere. The second is courtesy of my alma mater's own Harlem Shakes, whose singer is a former English classmate of mine: Nothing but change. Neither of those lines are particularly poetic or philosophically complex, but their striking simplicity speaks volumes. I'm ready to be almost anywhere, and I'm ready to change. If I feel the same on my next birthday, then my 23rd year will have been a good one indeed.

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