Nov 14, 2004 17:12
So I got the new A perfect circle album "emotive" today. To say the least, it's definately one of the most important albums of this year. As far as world issues go. There are a few covers on it, such as John Lennon's "Imagine", Depeche Mode's "People are people", and Marvin Gaye's "What's going on".
Normally an album with that many covers, wouldn't sit well with me, considering that it's a good band. But the covers they do, and the songs they chose fit very nicely with the rest of the album. It's all themed to one thing. A wake up call for the real world. An album that says "Hey! Pay attention to your surroundings! Don't be silenced by the conspiracy that is society's mass mentality! Ignoring what is there will not make it go away, but instead make it fester and explode to even larger dimensions. Think for yourself!".
Maybe it's just me, but I think it's really about time that people do just that. It's not just the president of this country, it's not even just this country alone. Everyone of us has been, or is still ignorant to what is coming. You still have time to fix it, don't wait until armageddon comes and it's too late to correct your mistakes. I'm just as guilty of this as anyone else, but I'm trying to right my wrongs.
All I know is, you can say what you want about this band. But they have the right idea about the world. It's easy to sit back and complain about problems, the real mission is to never give up in the face of adversity. As cheesy as it sounds, now is the time to stick together. Not tear each other apart with war and trivial bullshit. How much more violent tragedy must occure before we understand as a civilized people, that violence is not the answer? No matter how hurt/angered/misunderstood/violated you feel about ANYTHING, violence is not now, nor has it ever been the answer. I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm just at a loss as to what else to do to make people understand.
I know I can't be the only one in this world that understands this, I know that I'm not the only one. But the ones that understand, are out numbered by the ones who do not. We have to fight! Not as in war, but as in harmony. We have to help our world. No one is going to do it for us.
Every time I leave my house, I lose count of all the crimes I see committed against nature, against the world's balance. I was at the mall earlier today, just listening to my headphones. Maynard's voice was in my head, and I felt like I was one with his words. Looking around at all the stores, at all the people, so different yet all the same. We are all connected! So why do so many people push others away out of fear?
"Fear is a cancer. Compassion is the cure." - Maynard James Keenan
People surround themselves with the material world, ignoring the truth. Defying what is meant to be. Will those $800 shoes save you, when you have set your house on fire, because you fell asleep smoking a cigarette? Will your abusive spouse understand why he had a stroke when he's the healthiest man he has ever known? Karma. Everything happens for a reason, and despite how things may seem completely unrelated to other things, they never are. You must always remember that EVERYTHING is connected. When you say/do things for selfish gain, or just because you can, even when it's not the right thing to do, it will boomerang on you. Eventually, you will get your "just desserts".
That is why we have to act out of love! Not out of hate and anger! Love will conquer all. If you think that makes me sound like a pussy, then I pity you. Because you are one of the masses. The ones that cannot be saved, from their own black hole.. I pity you, and I hope that you will someday understand.