Jun 19, 2008 08:57
Made it into Ireland A-Okay after a VERY long day traveling. Got up at 4:30 for a 7:30 that was delayed 4 hours. I was delayed so long I had to be re-routed on a different airline. I flew Air France to Paris, then to Dublin. Since I wasn't expecting to go through Paris, I wasn't quite prepared to deal with their airport. I was horribly confused, had a hard time finding someone who spoke English, but eventually wound up on the right flight to Dublin (just in time!)
T and I are having fun, but were really exhausted last night and went to be incredibly early, but I think that we will be used to the time switch in a couple of days.
We really did not do much yesterday, but we did go to Trinity University to see the book of Kells which is really amazing to see. Then we went to the largest medieval library in Europe (according to the library). I was shocked. Thousands of old books, yes the book geek in me was geeking out!
Today we are heading north towards Belfast area. We might not make it that far, but that is the current plan. I will be keeping somewhat updated on this.