
Apr 07, 2012 10:10

Title: Untitled
Chapter: 1/?
Pairing: Niall/Harry
Word count: 1,30 words.
Rating: G (for now- but it won't be too graphic later on as well)
Warning: Angst, AU.
Disclaimer: I own One Direction's beautiful arses and order them to (not that they need much coaxing to do so) to have buttsex with each other every night.
Summary: In which Harry is 43 years old and likes pretty, shiny things.

A/N: This will be a series of short drabbles, as you probably can tell.

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He polishes things.

At 43 and mute and with possibly developed OCD- that's what the psychiatrist said anyway- he polishes things. Any trinket he can find- sterling silver cutlery, like spoons (that makes him laugh, brings his crow feet into view, until soon after when the memories come flooding back and he has to fight the urge to cry, because he remembers, remembers every single fucking thing so clearly), antique jewelry, ornate treasure boxes- anything. He'll hold the object up to the light to examine it, give it a proper rub-down with the flannel then inspect it again. Simply put, he likes pretty, shiny things, really.

(Niall is pretty and shiny too, but bigger and brighter like an exploding nova star that Harry can't tear his eyes away from.)

genre: angst, character: niall horan, pairing: niall/harry (narry), character: harry styles, fandom: one direction

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