.NaMe. -- Jennifer [[ Jen for short ]]
.AgE. -- 16
.SeX. -- 1Oo % female
.LoCaTiOn. -- Spring Hill, Fl
.SeXuAl PrEfEnCe. -- Boys
.DaTiNg StAtUs. -- taken
.TeLl Us SoMeThiNg AbOuT yOuRsElF. -- i attend HHS [[ Hudson High School ]] i play basketball and tennis. i model on the side for fun and $. and im alllwwwaayyyyssss having fun =)
.LoVe. -- its awesome
.BuSh. -- hes an ok president, i think that Karry had a bettter plan though.
.AbOrTiOn. -- its you life, if you feel that you will not be able to give your child the things that he/she needs then why bring them into the world where they will be miserable and malnutritioned.
.DrUgS. -- i will say it YES i have done drugs in the past and yes they were fun and i believe that if you are going to take drugs do it responsibly.
.AlChOhAl. -- nothing wrong with getting a little tipsy, but i feel about it the same way as i do drugs, if you are going to drink do it responisbly.
.CoUnTrY MuSiC. -- dont like all of it, but some of the songs i like
.RaP mUsIc. -- i like most rap music, there is some that i cannot stand, like when they downgrade women and such.
.BiSeXuAl`S. -- i dont feel that someone should be judged by their sexuality
.ToP 5 BaNdS. -- my chemial romance, story of the year, simple plan, green day, taking back sunday
.CoLoR. -- PiNK
.ToP 5 MoViEs. -- the notebook, coach carter, cursed, belly, and scarface
.ToP 5 StOrEs. -- AE, AnF, holister, aero, and pac sun
.ToP 5 MaGaZiNeS. -- cosmo, seventeen, vouge, teen vouge, j-14
.2 PeT pEeVeS. -- when people bite their nails, and greasy hair
.BiGgEsT fAuLt. -- indoor tanning
.BiGgEsT fEaR. -- dieing alone
.FaVoRiTe HoBbY. -- partying
.PrOmOtE 2 PlAcEs & LiNk iT hErE. -- ***APPLiCATiON!!!***
http://www.livejournal.com/users/bitemeabcrombie/26306.html http://www.livejournal.com/community/jennsarefun/41655.html .WhY dO yOu ThInK yOu ShOuLd Be AcCePtEd. -- because i would promote, be active, and because i rox ur sox . lol
.iNsErT 2+ PiCtUrEs Of *YoU* hErE.
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/xxjennyexx/Picture124.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/xxjennyexx/Picture120.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/xxjennyexx/8b7c7953.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y35/xxjennyexx/meandshell.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">