Title: I burn at the ends (I learn to regret)
saline_joy Characters/Pairings: Ray, Brad, Nate, Ray/Brad, Lilley, Rudy, Trombley, Mike Wynn, Poke, past Nate/Walt
Rating: R
Word Count: 37,145
Warnings: Character death (off screen); non-consensual drugging and mental, physical, and psychic torture
Summary: Mutant AU! In a time when those with powers are being locked away in facilities to control them, Ray has been careful to hide his power for years. When he gets caught and then rescued, he's brought into an underground band of people working for the resistance movement.
Notes: For
warbigbang 2011.
Thanks to
siryn99 for beta-reading, and
lakeeffectgirl for beta-reading, cheer-leading, and telling me to stop thinking and just keep writing.
Thanks to
enjoyelsilence, who made
an amazing mix and graphics!
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