Feb 07, 2005 21:18
oh wow dancing to aqua. hot? no. yes so today i rode the smelly bus to krystals where adam and garrett were looking under krystals car. something wrong withh it. adam insisted i go with them, to the college which sucked because i knew no one there. i love garretts driving though, even though i dont know how to spell his name. and sharing kools with adam. gross but good. so we got burts money and they had a hankerin for sammiches. i went to krystals where jesika and justin were. soon more people showed then we, krystal, mel, justin, stiv, heather and jesika and myself went to the tressel, thats right, all in mels five seater. crammed. so mel, justin and stiv went swimming. looked cold. then i killed derek smith because he wont fucking talk to me and now no bright fucking eyes i think i swear too much. jack called last night. i miss those boys that live far away and i cant see them. thenn we went to sharis where i watched heather inhale. yes. then i kept peeing all over myself. cold. i have to go. to mardi fucking gras!