Alli's guide to Oliver Stone's Alexander.

Jan 08, 2005 18:07

Yes my girls. I am £6.95 worse off today after spending said sum on a visit to the kino (as they say in Russia) to hie myself back to 352BC. Or some time close to it. I wasn't pay attention to some of the historical details. Distracted by prettiness y'see? Story of my life. In brief, this movie tries to do too much and ends up doing nothing really ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

valkyrie17 January 8 2005, 11:26:40 UTC
I think I read that there were bisexual scenes deleted...perhaps that's where the good stuff went ?

Thanks for the review...might splash some cash, if I can find someone to go with.


we_love_smudger January 8 2005, 13:15:12 UTC
I think I read that there were bisexual scenes deleted...perhaps that's where the good stuff went ?

So I went hunting the internet to see if this could be true! And it sort of is. But not in the way I wanted it to be :( However this stuff was interesting of its own accord I thought.


valkyrie17 January 10 2005, 07:10:14 UTC
Thanks for the link. That was a very interesting article. Loved this quote :

"Alexander was defeated once in his life, and that was by Hephaestion's thighs."

Guess I'll try and dig out someone to accompany me to the theatre.


we_love_smudger January 10 2005, 19:20:58 UTC
Oh I go on my own quite a lot. Then you don't have to worry about anyone else enjoying the film or stealing your popcorn ;)


chelseaurchin January 9 2005, 02:40:05 UTC
I simply must see it. I am appalled and outraged at the lack of anything interesting in the ways of slash and naked men, but dammit I'll pay seven bucks to see it anyway.


we_love_smudger January 9 2005, 16:42:06 UTC
Bella you must. Then we can engage in long and detailed discussions regarding its good and bad points. No-one who claims to love me will see it. And even then these people DO NOT SLASH so the squee wouldn't figure in any shared critique. *pouts*

Is it on in Oz? It stiffed in the US but box-office in Europe is better. Methinks the fangirls are out in force. If you're like me in any way *g* you will be groaning "ooooo kiss him* during certain scenes even with the benefit of foresight which tells you NOWT is going to happen. I still LOFFED it. Sometimes suspending your critical faculities is the best plan :)


chelseaurchin January 10 2005, 04:21:21 UTC
My only qualm is that everyone but me seems to NOT CARE about the glaring lack of man-sex or even slashiness. It's a fucking crime and should be altered to truly fit the character of Alexander.

Saw a doco on Colin's (mostly shirtless) transformation into Alexander and was upset that he spent so much time preparing for the battle scenes and so little time snogging Heph. Pity what this world does to keep closed-minded people happy. I think the film might have been better recieved if they'd at least kept in Colin's naked scene :(

Nevertheless, it's my lad Colin, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it ^_^


we_love_smudger January 10 2005, 19:49:57 UTC
My only qualm is that everyone but me seems to NOT CARE about the glaring lack of man-sex or even slashiness. It's a fucking crime and should be altered to truly fit the character of Alexander.

Well as you are more than aware you can count me in here Arie love. My only recourse was to fill in the gaps with my own expert slash imagination on the bus ride home from the picture house, which explains why I missed my stop and had to walk half a mile back in three inch heels and a rainstorm gah.

None of which would have been necessary if the film had the courage of its convictions. Can't believe Col wasn't up for it. For fuck's sake. IT'S ACTING! The world is full of fucking sexual fascists whose fear of the unknown and untenable(as they see it) is dictating to even honest creative efforts like this. *shakes fist at fundamentalists*


winter_solstice January 9 2005, 11:04:13 UTC
if it weren't for the slashy undertones i would have fallen asleep watching that movie.


we_love_smudger January 9 2005, 16:44:22 UTC
LOL. I did think at times "OK, when this bit's finished then Heph will be back with the eyeliner and the longing desperate stares and I can concentrate again."


winter_solstice January 10 2005, 00:30:08 UTC
such a pity he had to die, they could still have done a lot of interesting things together.


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