Title: Sepia Pearls (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Bruce/Dick, Tim
Genres: AU, Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Top model Dick Grayson catches the eye of successful photographer Bruce Wayne.
Date Of Completion: October 12, 2014
Date Of Posting: December 23, 2014
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 4274
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: Written for the 2014 Bruce/Dick Christmas Swap Thing. :) Prompt #2: Dick is a model and Bruce a photographer. Bruce becomes smitten with Dick. Sexytimes possible. AU, possible R/NC-17.
Dick Grayson also was quickly becoming the center of controversy. He liked to use his body to best effect, and like the Calvin Klein ads of the ‘80s that were daringly risqué, he shed his clothes without a qualm if the ad was set up for it.