Title: I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 10/?]
Continuity: Comics!verse AU (mostly), based on post-Crisis continuity (mostly).
Rating: Very M.
Pairings: Developing Dick/Barbara, one-sided Tim/Dick
This chapter-
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jim Gordon, Renee Montoya, Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake.
Word Count: 3226
Summary: Jason struggles to adjust to his new life. Dick and Bruce, meanwhile, must learn to work through their differences when it becomes clear that a new, unsettling case involves both of them. Dick, it seems, has a fan....
Warnings: Not much this chapter. Extremely brief, vague mentions of murder and severed body parts. As always, Scary!Timmy is not your friend.
Disclaimer: Most of the characters and locations in this story are © DC Entertainment Inc. and Warner Bros. Entertainment. All content is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, not for profit.
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mrsarcastic_tim. Also available on my
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