what's the worst that I could say? things are better if I stay

Dec 23, 2005 00:30

As the end of the year rapidly approaches with each sleep-filled day of Chrismahannakwanzakah break, I feel compelled to do a little reflecting. So as to not rehash, and to not make this a 2,000 word post, I think the best way I can say it is that 2005 held the most learning experiences of any year in my life.

I was just reading my friends page and saw Ben's survey about things you've done in 2005, and two of the things were: fell in love- then, fell out of love. I was amazed to realize that these had both happened to me, within a year, within like 6 months, actually. That's really crazy to me. The whole debacle seems very far behind me at this point. I tend to look at it with detatched curiosity, other than the fact of being amazed that I actually fell in love.

Working two jobs (well, three if you want to get technical about it) during the summer definitely opened my eyes to the pressures of being really accountable for what you're doing. I never really had that before.

I feel really blessed (I never say that, but I think it's the best way to describe how I feel) to have met Zoe and Dave. They've become very important aspects of my life at Pitt. I really love those babies, and I'm going to miss Dave a lot when he's abroad next semester.

Speaking of going abroad, most of you know that my roommate and one of my best friends fo eva eva, fo eva eva, Sam, is going abroad as well. I'm glad that we had this semester to be ridiculous together, and I'm probably not going to be able to go to Hillel for a week next semester without looking around the room and thinking about her and how I wish that she were there. I'm definitely going to have kind of a hole inside while she's gone.

I'm so happy that my baby Bryce came to Pitt. That kid pretty much keeps me sane, and I'm sure I don't give him enough credit for putting up with me. Te amo, mi galleta. Thanks for everything.

I think I might have decided what I want to do with my life, which I think is a nice step.

That's all for now. Maybe more on this later.
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