Jun 01, 2005 18:51
"How fun is this? We have Wet Seal's CEO's home address and we're pretty sure he needs to know that you and all of your friends are boycotting his stores until they stop selling fur. So, send a polite letter to:
Joel N. Waller
1 Lake Shore Dr.
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
OK, we know you've seen this part of the mission before but our furry friends need your help right now, and the more people who hear about why it's wrong to wear fur, the better. "
ok, so normally im not against things that Peta does. But this time i think theyre taking things too far. I understand that you want to help fulffy-wuffy bunnies. But, why the fuck would you flood this man's mailbox with nothing but mail saying "fur is murder" and such. Tell me how you would feel, if you all of a sudden got tons and tons of mail, some not being so "polite", telling you that what YOURE doing in YOUR life is wrong? This isn't the mans workplace, its HIS FUCKING HOME! where he goes to escape the work, and spend time with the people he loves. Killing animals or not, he's still a human being, so respect him the same you would your little rabbits, ok? I'm not anti-peta, i think animal cruelty is fucked up. But i eat meat, and i wear fur. Those are two different arguments. I understand that Peta is aiming for "Animal Liberation", but this shit is a fucking terrorist act.