September is always a busy month for me. I have 12 million birthdays, an anniversary and tons of back to school stuff. And new this year are the play dates with other kids my son is being invited to. This year my dearest hubby decided that it would be fun to light shit on fire. We had an old couch and a rug and various piles of yard debris that needed to be burned. (We live in a town that allows it...although I'm not sure they didn't mean quite the raging inferno that ensued.)
Here's one of my pics that looked particularly cool...looks like a fire demon in there.
The fire at one point got taller than our garage. It's honestly a miracle that someone didn't call the fire department. I was busy freaking out and forgot to snap pics... =)
Here's one after most everything burned away that looked like post-apocalyptic wastelands that I thought was cool.
It was a pretty cloudy night but I also got a cool capture of the moon.
Today was a day of cleaning and getting shit in order. This week in back to writing. My goal is to write for at least an hour a day.
Hope you're all having a great weekend. =)