unJudged - Chapter 3

Nov 21, 2007 16:23

Chapter 3 - Heaven and Hell
Written By: We_Dreamerz
Betaed By: Xanntonya
Genre: Slash: Gale/Randy
Warnings: None
Rating: NC17
Feedback: Is love
Disclaimer: This is Fiction I don't know Gale or Randy and this didn't happen. It's all meant to be fun and no disrespect is intended.

Summary:  Gale Harold and Randy Harrison.  We all had our suspicions. Now, years later, in a rare commentary the two Queer as Folk Alumni share what really happened!  Find out what went on behind the scenes.... and where and with whom are they now?

A/N: This is like my new guilty pleasure.... writing G/R is adictive... lol I hope you all love it. I'm home from work today so I hope to get some more done on Resting Here With Me.

On another note... I hope you all remember to drool  watch Gale on Grey's Anatomy on Thursday night!It's so good to see him in something.. even if it is a white supremescist... =) But I'm sure will Gale will wok his magic.. as usual.

*LUV* to the fList and I hope all of my American Lovies have a great Thanksgiving!

Heaven And Hell


They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  I'm not really sure I believe in hell, but I do believe in Heaven and I'm pretty sure that road begins in Gale Harold's lap.  Despite my good intentions; I kept ending up there.  Sometimes accidentally, sometimes on purpose; I don't remember all of the excuses.  But I liked it there and decided to stay; at least for a little while.

It was impossible to hide from the man.  He was in my face.  We worked together, intimately, on a daily basis and he was damned charming.  He made me laugh like no one else.  So I tried to turn every ounce of lust I harbored into a friendship and we grew very close, very fast over the first few months of filming.  The entire cast was together a lot.  But Gale and I were often inseparable, spending many lunches, evenings and weekends together.

The first time I ended up in his lap was an accident.  We were at Sharon's watching movies on a Saturday night, spread out all over Sharon's living room.  During a break I'd gone to the kitchen to get a refill on popcorn and when I came back I tripped over Gale's enormous shoes and fell gracefully into his lap, popcorn bowl intact and upright.

He laughed and grabbed a handful.  "Gee thanks, Rand." he said and popped it into his mouth.  We ended up sharing the whole bowl.  I didn't leave his lap until the movie was over.  No one looked at us funny or even raised an eyebrow.  It was just Gale and Randy with their weird little courting ritual.  They were on to us from the start, I'm sure.

Apparently Gale decided he liked me in his lap too because after that night he pulled me onto his lap whenever the opportunity arose.  It was infuriating, frustrating and completely irresistible.  I would sit there, trying not to move, trying to think about where I was and why.  He didn't seem ruffled by the fact that he had a lapful of gay man.  But, the following weekend I got a better idea of how he really felt.

He came to my apartment and I made dinner.  It was the first time since the popcorn lap incident that we'd really been alone.  After dinner we had plans to watch movies so we retired into my tiny living room.  Gale sat on the couch while I turned on the DVD player and headed for the chair.  But his low and vulnerable voice stopped me.

"Hey. Where ya going?" he asked softly.

My heart skipped a beat at the rawness of his tone and I knew then that he'd been more affected than he would ever let on in front of others.

"Over here." I whispered and pointed to the chair but stood where I was, waiting for him to make the next move.  He nodded and looked away, unable to meet my eyes.

"I'd… prefer you over here." he admitted.  My heart went out to him and I could have danced my way onto his lap but I didn't want to scare him.  He leaned into the corner of the couch and opened his legs, stretching one long leg down the length of the couch and making the perfect space for me to nest.  I never said a word, just smiled sweetly and made myself at home.  His body was warm and his arms went around me as we watched the movie.  Neither of us made mention of his hardness pressed into my backside.  But I was comforted by its presence.  Maybe I wasn't the only one who burned.


It felt right, Randy in my lap, my arms around him; warm and comfortable.  I tried to ignore the other uncontrollable reaction my body had to him.  I tried to tell myself that it was just because he was against me; his ass snuggled between my thighs.  But I was hard before he ever got there.  In fact, I'd been hard for a week, thinking about his warm weight on me.  I had no idea what the fuck I was doing; I was treading unknown waters.  I tried not to think about, I tried to let my heart lead the way and not push myself or Randy beyond a point from which we could not return.  I'd never in my life had the smallest desire for another man.  But my body reacted to Randy the moment his lips touched mine on Sharon's balcony and since then I haven't been able to shake it.  God knows I tried.  I've intentionally gone out, looking for women.

The one time I brought a girl home had been disastrous, for me anyway.  I love women.  They're soft and sweet, curvy and smell good.  But every time I touched the pretty brunette in my bed all I could see was Randy's face.  I made sure she enjoyed herself.  She convulsed and cried out with my face between her thighs.  But the only way I could get off was when she blew me, when I could imagine it was his mouth wrapped around my cock.

I don't remember what movie Randy and I watched.  I'm not even sure I watched it.  I was fascinated by the slow rise and fall of his body as he breathed.  When it ended he didn't move.  I didn't want him to.  His back lie comfortably against my chest, head tilted back onto my shoulder, exposing the skin of his neck.  I couldn't resist.  I ran my index finger down the line of his neck and listened to his sharp intake of breath.  My cock twitched and I breathed out.  I saw the goose bumps rise on his flesh from my touch.  I leaned down, suddenly needing to taste him.  My lips touched his neck briefly, softly.

"Gale." he whispered so softly, almost as if he didn't want me to hear and it nearly tore out my heart.  I didn't want to hurt him.

I opened my mouth and pressed a wet kiss to where his neck met his shoulder.  His head fell to the side giving me access, giving me permission.  I kissed a wet line from his shoulder to his ear and reveled in the moan that escaped his lips as my tongue circled his earlobe and gently sucked it between my lips.
He smelled incredible; clean and fresh, spicy and enticing.  I buried my face in his hair and breathed deeply.  He allowed all of this, my exploration, my kisses.  He indulged me,   He always would.  I wanted to kiss him.  Press my lips to his and taste him, just us; no cameras, no prying eyes.  Just his lips on mine.  But I was having trouble tearing my nose from his hair and the dilemma was solved by the ringing of his phone.

I felt the absence of his warmth and closed my eyes, not wanting him to see my disappointment.  But I couldn't stop looking at him.  I listened to him answer the phone and speak normally as if he hadn't just been in the cradle of my thighs, moaning his lust as I kissed his neck.

Randy hung up the phone and turned to me; eyes boldly meeting mine across the room and I knew how badly I'd shaken him.  Slowly he walked forward until he stood above me.

"Scott and Peter are on their way.  They're going out and refused no for an answer." he said reluctantly.  "They demanded we go with them."

I nodded, not knowing what to say.  I couldn't talk about what we'd been doing.  I didn't have the voice for it.  I just knew I wanted to keep doing it.  I smiled shyly.  "I could use a drink." was the only thing I could manage and he chuckled.

"Yeah…me too." Randy understood.  He knew I wasn't ready so he touched me gently on the cheek and said he was going to change.  I watched as he walked into his bedroom and wondered again just what the fuck I thought I was doing.


I managed to hold it together until I silently closed my bedroom door.  With a sigh I leaned against it and tried to catch my breath.  He held me; he touched me for Christ's sake.  I could feel his kisses on my neck.  Gale's cock had been hard and hot, like a brand against my ass.

I flopped onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling, willing my heart to stop pounding.  I couldn't let him see me like this.  The last thing I wanted to do was freak him out, scare him off.  Whatever happened, Gale had to come to it on his own.  I would not be the one to coerce… to tease.  But I would allow him to coerce and tease me.  I craved it, his touch his carefully timed kisses of friendship.  It's true, Gale is an affectionate man.  He's comfortable with his body and he's not afraid to show he cares.  But with me, it's always something more.

"Fuck!" I whispered and tried to look for something decent to wear.  I was still painfully hard but I didn't have the time to do anything about it and Gale was in the other room and "Fuck!" I yelled involuntarily, hoping he hadn't heard.  He did.  A few moments later I heard him knock gently at my door.

"Randy, you okay?" he called out.

"Yeah. Sorry, Gale.  I just dropped something." I answered, sounding fake and rehearsed.

"Oh…… okay." he called back and treaded back down the hall.

With Peter and Scott you never knew where you were going to end up; but I opted for casually stylish and chose a pair of my best ass jeans and a snug fitting vintage tee shirt in a soft shade of blue.  My dick had finally gone soft by the time Scott and Peter arrived.  With a final glance into the mirror, I ran my hands through my hair and left my little refuge.


They wanted to dance.  I wanted to drink.  So we settled for a little local dance club that had good music and strong drinks.  They danced and I held up the bar and watched Randy's lithe body move to the music; this was back when I could do things like get a drink and watch my gay costar dance, with out the fan girl mafia hiding in the corners with their cell phones ready to take pictures.

I ordered another drink and caught a pretty redhead smile at me from across the bar.  I smiled politely and turned my attention back to the dance floor.  He knew I was watching him.  I'd seen him look at me; grind his hips with a glance in my direction.  The way he moved was an erotic masterpiece.

I hoped the redhead had taken my hint and gone to find another distraction for the evening but I felt her warmth beside me before I heard her soft seductive voice

"I've never seen you in here before." so cliché, but she said it and I couldn't help but smile and return with something equally droll.

"I'm new in town." I replied and earned a smile.  It's not that I was immune to her charms.  I just wasn't interested.  I had…. things on my mind.  But I talked to her for awhile.  She was smart and witty and as well as we could above the loud thumping club music, had a conversation but before long I felt her hand slide from my forearm to my bicep.

"What do you say we ditch this place and go somewhere to… talk?" she whispered, ruby lips a breath away from my ear.

I felt Randy's eyes before I saw him glance my way again.  My eyes locked with his and his body swayed seductively, preformed for me.  I turned back to the woman at my side and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I 'm here with friends." I pointed to the dance floor.  She glanced briefly in their direction then back to me.

"Well, if you ever find yourself…. in need, here's my card. My name is Laurell." she smiled and handed me her card.  I took it and slid into the pocket of my jeans.

"I'm Gale." I smiled back and she held out her hand.  I laughed nervously and shook her hand.  I was completely confused that night and I liked her.  I almost changed my mind, almost decided to go with her.  But Randy's eyes flashed once again into my mind and I couldn't.  Not right now.


I went to the bar sometime later to find that Gale wasn't there anymore.  I wondered briefly if he's gone with the redhead I'd seen flirting with him, but I saw her across the bar talking with some friends.  I decided I was done dancing.  I grabbed a water from the bartender and went in search of Gale.  I found him outside in the deserted parking lot, leaning against Peter's car smoking a cigarette.

"Hey." he greeted me.

"Hey." I leaned against the car beside him and took a drag from his cigarette.  We were silent for sometime; not awkwardly so, just quietly soaking up the warmth from each other.

"You know you could have gone with that woman, Gale." I finally said.

"Yeah, I know." he nodded and offered me another drag.  I breathed deeply and handed it back.

We were quiet again.  Gale crushed the cigarette and turned to look at me.  We were alone, parked at the opposite end where no one could see us.  The unseasonably warm rain we'd been having all day had stopped but every surface in the lot sparkled with drops lit by the scattered streetlights.

His eyes met mine and I couldn't look away if I wanted to.  "I want to kiss you again." he whispered.

"So, kiss me." I offered.

He smiled and touched my cheek gently before pulling me to him.  His lips were soft and gentle.  Since our first kiss we'd only been afforded screen kisses; kisses that were timed and directed and scripted, kisses that were allowed.  But this kiss was for us.

His lips teased mine, little pecks and soft nibbles, teasing my mouth to open and coaxing my tongue to dance.  His tongue stroked over mine, tasting and teasing.  I was lost in his embrace; I didn't want him to stop.  I felt him suck my bottom lip and bite it gently and I moaned.  I couldn't help it.

He pushed me back against the car and stood in front of my body.  His eyes were hungry and lost.  I hated the confusion I saw within their depths, but I loved what he did to my body. With a growl he tilted my head back and pressed his hot mouth to my neck.  I moaned again and heard his reply in my ear.

"Moan for me Randy, louder." he whispered and bit my earlobe between his teeth.  I moaned, wanting him to know how each and every sensation went straight to my cock.  I rolled my hips into his and showed him.  I heard the strangled breath he took and he pressed himself against me.  God, I almost came, our denim covered cocks pressed tightly together for a moment. Then from the distance I heard Peter's laughter.

"Fuck!" he spat and his wild eyes looked into mine.  I rand my hands up and down his long hard back, trying to soothe him before he pulled away and lit another cigarette in silence.  By the time Scott and Peter arrived at the car, our breathing had returned to normal.

"Hey, guys, if you wanted to go all you had to do was say so." Scott said as he approached.

"Its okay, guys, we were just discussing the girl that was hitting on Gale tonight." I smiled and caught Gale's hurt eyes.  I wasn't trying to hurt him.  God, I was trying to make this easier for him.  I should have known that whatever was going on with us, it was never going to be easy.

unjudged, qaf

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