Nov 30, 2006 12:47
i am never taking haverhill public transportation ever again.
i was waiting at the bus station because i am a bum and have no money to put my car on the road, and while i was waiting, this guy, about sixty years old, came up to me and asked what i was reading. so, i told him, thinking that the situation was only a liiittle strange. but from there, this guy, george, keeps on talking to me for fifteen minutes or so about school and work and blah blah blah. thennn, get this, george says: "y'know, if yr gonna be aroun' here next tuesdee, i'd like ta treatchya to a coffee." [pause - digest; george is sixty. i am eighteen. coffee? i'd like to treat you to a coffee? yeah, right.] so i brush it off- whatever, george, sure, sure. so george continues: "s'nex tuesdee, i'll be over at leaf 'n ladle (a breakfast place) 'round eleven, and if y'show up, then great, we'll shoot the shit. if y'don't show up, I'LL SHOOT YOU.
i'm walking home from now on. fuck this shit.