Nov 16, 2006 22:53
Sooooo I just got out of dance practice for the sixth time this week. It was dress rehearesal night. We ran through the show twice, which isn't so bad because I'm only in one piece. And I thought warm up was at 5:30. It was at 5. Opps. It was pretty much Elana teaching a class, so I didn't really miss anything important. And zOMG I'm hungry~!
...but I don't know what I want to eat.
Dumbest dilemna ever.
We've got fish, chicken, pasta; you name it, it's probably in the refriderator. I kind of want to go out and get food, but I really should save my money, because I'm sure I'll go out friday and saturday after the shows. I dunno. My hair is all did and I've got full makeup done (from rehearesal) and it feels like a waste to just sit around. But everyone's probably eaten by now.
"Everyone" also consists of about three or four people.
On the upside, I've got a job. I've been hired at gameworks, as a waitress. I make $4 an hour and then tips, and they're going to try and work me into cocktails and the bar. I am excited at the prospect of not being broke anymore.
I'm looking forward to the end of the semester. I turned in my honors application, signed up for *most of my classes (haven't signed up for the honors one yet, and I still need to get the teacher to override me into ballet 2.) I've got a big psych test tuesday that I should probably start studying for now, and the last history quiz is weds. Oh and a biology test monday that I haven't even looked at the book for yet. I'll probably just learn both chapters that day.
I've finished two more books this week in my free time at school. So about five in the past two weeks.
My line of thinking last night- "Ugh, I need to shower. Then go to bed. Eh...fuck it, I'll shower in the morning". I was pretty much exhausted. I should probably take it easy tonight too; long weekend coming up. I should also probably shower heh.
I had already decided that I didn't want to march FIU's winterguard when I agreed to go to a practice last sunday "just for fun, to try it out, no pressure". I had a motherfucking drill spot. I am written into a minute and a half of the freaking show. Heather said her aunt would probably sponsor me, so I could no longer complain about the money. So I reconsidered... and I don't want to do it. I'd rather work on my weekends. I miss guard; but I don't want to give up my weekends. I can make the most money fri, sat and sun. As much as I love performing... my heart just isn't into marching winterguard this year. Maybe next year. I'd rather save the money and march corp again. I can always get my colorguard fix teching with the JV guard at cooper.
But now it is most definately food time ^^