Jan 30, 2009 13:39
1.) Favorite Meal [Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snack/Dessert]: lunch or dinner
2.) Favorite Breakfast Meal: brown rice cake with hummus and avocado. or some awesome leftovers.
3.) Favorite Smoothie Combo: rasberries cherries soymilk nut butter. or peaches or mangos. or blueberries.
4.) Favorite Nut: i like different nuts for different things.
5.) Tofu or Tempeh: both but i eat tofu more often
6.) Favorite Form of Chickpea: chickpeas and kale!
7.) Best Pizza Toppings: eggplant, olives, hot peppers, peppers, onions
8.) Favorite Kitchen Gadget: i like to grind flax seeds in my "flax seed grinder" which is a coffee grinder haha
9.) Milk: Soy/Rice/Hemp/or Almond almond
10.) Favorite Vegan Junk Food: babycakes
11.) Favorite Veggie: kale
12.) Favorite Fruit: i can't stop eating papaya
13.) Favorite Kind of Bean: black eyed peas rule
14.) Favorite Form of Potato: sweet potatos win!
15.) Favorite Kind of Regional Cuisine: thai , japanese, indian, burmese.
16.) Your Go-To Lazy Meal: kale with nooch sauce and sweet potato oven fries
17.) Favorite Snacking Bar: lara bars for life!!
18.) Which Do You Prefer: Frying vs. Baking: baking
19.) Pick One: Cake, Cookie or Brownie: brownie
20.) Least Healthy Eating Habit:i love raw sweets
21.) Next New Recipe You Plan on Trying: like everything from the get it ripe book. and to food process things.
23.) Which Do You Like More: Baking or Cooking: cooking. but i have baked a bit lately too.
24.) Favorite Kind of Soup: black eyed pea kale soup . i had amazing minestrone with brown rice pasta the other day.
25.) Fanciest Meal You've Ever Made: i've never really made a fancy meal
26.) Favorite Holiday to Cook/Bake For: any where i can make carob fudge balls
27.) Favorite Muffin Flavor: pumpkin
28.) Favorite Way to Enjoy Tomatoes: in the vegan oddlot
29.) Average Time Spent Making Dinner Every Night: 20 - 30 min if i cook
30.) Cooking Style: Cook Alone or Cook With Others: i want a vegan dude to cook with.
31.) Smooth PB or Crunchy: crunchy
32.) What Do You Build Your Salads On? Iceberg/Romaine/Spring Mix/or Spinach kale or spinach usually
33.) What Did You Eat the Last Time You Ate Out? indian food okra and lentil soup
34.) Processed Foods: Do You Eat: Tons/Some/Minimal/None minimal to none
35.) How Often Do You Buy Organic?: i try my best
36.) Favorite Juice: fresh from a juicer
37.) Favorite Form of Pretzel: spelt
38.) Salsa: Mild/Medium/Hot/or Extreme Heat: the hotter the better
39.) Ingredients You Avoid (Other than the Obvious Animal Derived Ones): sugar, gluten, hfcs, ect ect ect ect ect haha.
40.) How Do You Top Your Toast?: hummus or almond butter