Jun 03, 2005 22:55
Hey, thanks Katie for making this for me <3. ok well today is like Friday, and I have done alot of stuff, like on Thursday the last day of school I went to Bri's and Ryans and Jakes, and went to the movies and saw Monster in Law, with bunches of people like.. Katie, Alyssa, Jamie, Bri, Cam, Jeff, Austin, Joey, and other people. Then on Friday I went to the beach with.. Meagan, Sam, Tina, and Kenzie. And on Saturday I hung out with Austin and Jeff and had a BBQ, And went to the movies with Max <3, Katie, Tommy, and Alyssa, and saw Kicking and Screaming. Then on Sunday Alyssa which I love soo much threw me a suprise party! On Monday me, Katie, Alyssa, and Chelsey.. went to see Madagascar at the movies. Tuesday morning I went to Ashley Fains house, then me, Ashley, Savannah, and Stacy, and Shelby.. went to Mill Run, then we hung out with Ashley P. and then went swimming at the club house, then Stacy and Shelby had to go home.. and me Jessica, Ashely, Ashely, and Savannah hung out with.. Tommy, Ried, and Donald... Then me. Savannah, Ashley, and Jessica..spent the night at Ashely P.'s house. Then on Wednesday all of us went to the movies in the morning and saw The SisterHood of the Traveling Pants, when we got back we hung out with Max <3, Tommy, Ried, Donald, Robby, and other people. On Thursady I went to the movies again and saw The Longest Yard with Jamie. TODAY, I went to the mall with Katie and bought three shirts and a necklace..I got a shirt from Hollister, and 2 from Pac Sun, and a necklace from one of those carts in the middle of isle that are easy to trip over.. lol, and now I am at Meagans house, and doing stuff. Now we are talking to Lauren Offit and LMAO.
got to go Love you Max <3