A Few NUMB3RS Stories, Mostly By rubynye

Feb 18, 2011 14:40

Hi all! I haven't been much in evidence for awhile, but I've been watching this week's festival with great delight, and thought I'd mention a few stories I wrote and a couple I didn't.

Two gen drabbles: Academic Honesty (Charlie, OC, G) and Rubber Hose Cryptanalysis (Charlie, Don, PG), both about Charlie's working relationships, as it were.

A story, a drabble, and a drabble sequence for David/Colby: Take The World Together (PG-13, other relationships discussed), Physiological Effects (Claudia Gomez/David/Colby, R), and In His Own Person, Least Himself, And He Will & You, The Truth (David/Colby, R, other pairings discussed). If I could be said to have an OTP, David/Colby was my OTP.

Don/Charlie, two and a half stories: What He Would Not (NC-17), Finity (R), and 8.64 x 10^4 (NC-17, also Charlie/Amita), because I'm absolutely entranced by their dynamic, and the wrongness makes it all the hotter.

Charlie/Amita: A Woman Named Infinity (PG) and Brushwork (Charlie/Amita/Seth Marlowe, NC-17). They became one of my favorite canon pairings, once they found their footing.

Amita/Charlie/David: Another Planet's Sky (NC-17) because when I really love characters I give them threesomes.

Charlie/Susan Berry/Jack Harkness: Calculations (Torchwood crossover, NC-17) because I couldn't resist the threesome.

Last and by far greatest: dsudis wrote a fan novel for NUMB3RS, Missing Persons (Charlie/Don, other pairings mentioned, warnings for violence and consent issues) which is an astonishing AU of the "alternate path" variety and easily the best novel I read in 2008. She also wrote another fascinating AU which I can't possibly describe fit to do it justice, the 'Brothelers' series (Ensemble, Don/Charlie, Charlie/others, up through NC-17)

I hope if you look over these that you enjoy them!

genre: het, rec(s): fic, numb3rs appreciation week, genre: general, genre: slash

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