(no subject)

May 10, 2007 02:49

Decipher Reflections From Reality
707 w // PG // Ryan/Brendon
for may 8th.

Any day he’ll be back…I just know it. He promised he would and he would never break a promise to me. I’ve been waiting for 2 years and everyday gets a little bit harder.

He’s been gone so long that in the back of my mind I think that something went wrong. That maybe he found someone else to spend the rest of his life with; just forgot about little ole’ me. But there is the other part of me that knows he’ll keep that promise; that he thinks about me as much as I do him, and that he loves me just as much as I love him.

When he left he said that it was just to get his parents off his back; he was tired of them always on his case. And he said that if we where to be together then this is what he had to do to make that happen.

I still didn’t quite understand his motives. Yes, it would get his parents to stop nagging him because he did something for the church, but his religion doesn’t believe in homosexuality.

In fact, they are completely opposed to it. He said that it was just to get them to leave him alone about doing his deed for the church; that after he got home from this they would leave him be.

He said that after this, he could do whatever he wanted, be whoever he wanted to be and they wouldn’t care. I still don’t quite believe him, but if it means that we can be together whenever he gets home then I’ll agree to anything.

It’s around 9 o’ clock at night and I’m sitting in ‘our’ room just thinking about him. I’m planning out things that we could do when he gets back; the main one being to get married and try and start a new life.

It’s nights like these that I miss him the most. Wishing he could be here and hold me; telling me that everything will be ok and he’s here.

I used to cry myself to sleep on the nights, but after the first few months I realized that he wouldn’t want me to sit here and cry over something as silly as this. He’ll be back as soon as he can to be with me and I know that when that chance comes for him to return home he will.

Light shines through the bedroom illuminated the walls in a beautiful glow. I used to jump at every light that came thought that window in hopes that it would be him. After the first few months I stopped, because I knew that he would be home when he could and jumping at every beam of light wouldn’t make him get here any faster.

When I hear a car door slam it makes me second-guess my original thought. It couldn’t be…

I run over to the bedroom window, it’s covered in fog from the outside being so muggy. My palms come in contact with the cool glass and I place my nose against it.

There he is…in all his beautiful glory, walking towards our house after these two years; he’s finally home.

I run outside as fast as my legs will carry me and leap into his arms. Holding him close I feel all the emotions just stream out of me at once. Tears are streaking down my face as he brings his lips to connect with mine; calming me down the best way only he knows how to.

I’m still holding on to him for dear life when he grasp my chin and pulls my face toward him more so that I’m staring into his gorgeous, glazed eyes.

“I told you I would be home as fast I could. Now we can be together and live without worrying about my parents all the time. I’ve missed you so much baby. I love you…”

You could not put a price on how content I am in his arms right now. And I know I will never have to because after being gone for so long I know he is all mine now and no one will ever take him away from me again. Ever.

may 08 07

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