Sunsets and Car Crashes

May 07, 2007 05:47

Sunsets and Car Crashes
592 words // PG-13 maybe lower // Ryan/Brendon
for jan 09.

I’m sitting in the middle of the field where every time something big happens in my life, I go to. It’s almost pitch black and the only thing I can see is the moonlight reflecting off of my skin. After just being here for who knows how many hours, I’m starting to feel so alone. The events of today are the last thing that I want to think about, but that’s just what ends up happening when I go here. Once I’m here, it’s like nothing else is let into my train of thought.

If we just would have left ten minutes later, this never would have happened. Even though it’s been a month ago, I still can’t believe it happened. The doctor told me though my own broken bones and bandages, that he wouldn’t make it. Hell, he said I would be lucky to last though the night.

Not exactly what you want to hear when you can barely move and can’t get up to spend the last moments with the love of your life. Why did this shit always happen to me? Every time something good came into my life, it was taken away in the blink of an eye. The last thing I told him was that I was disappointed in him. Of course, that would be the last thing to leave my mouth before he dies.

A whole month has gone by and I still can’t believe I’m here. Going though physical therapy was hard; I had to learn to walk again, the doctor said. But what’s the point when you don’t have anyone to walk to? What’s the point when you can’t use your legs to dance with you lover, to hold them in your arms and sway to the music? It all seems trivial when you won’t have that person to help you with it.

I asked them to let me spend his last moments with him. They told me that I was in far too critical condition to do that; I wouldn’t live. But when you’re told you boyfriend won’t make it though the night, do you honestly care if you make it or not?

It definitely has been the longest month of my life and I’ll never forget.

Headlights start to get closer and I grip my legs tighter, and just will them to go away; I still need time to think. Even though I do get lonely out here, I come to think and to get away. The car stops a few yards away and the person gets out to make their way toward me.

They bend down in front of me and wrap their arms around me. I know they mean well.

And it’s almost unnerving when the silence is broken by them. “Baby, you been out here for hours. Come home, it’s lonely there without you.”

I take their hand and walk to the passenger seat so we can go home. You see there are some things that are in doctor’s hands, and others left up to miracles. That day, exactly one month ago, was one of the days for a miracle.

We proved the doctors wrong and fought to be together. Our love surpassed logic. Since that fateful day, I know that our love can overcome anything. We’re stronger then we give ourselves credit for. I’m still in the arms of the one I love, and will be until we grow old and die. We just escaped death and bet the odds; that’s how I know our love is true.

jan 09 07

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