as i trimmed his wings.

Apr 04, 2011 21:36

426 words // r // ryan/brendon
brendon needs him there, with him.

Ryan tilts his head back, staring at the stars, faint moonlight showing through clouds. He sucks on the last bit of his cigarette, reaching his other hand out behind him for the boy he knows is standing there. "Would you?" he whispers after he exhales. "Go. Would you go, Bren?"

The boy named Brendon takes a step forward, lips momentarily tickling Ryan's neck before he fixes his eyes on the sky as well. "Can't," he murmurs, threading their fingers together.

Ryan inhales again, dropping the butt to the ground after, putting it out with the toe of his shoe. "Can't?" Like it's a bad word, like he can't comprehend the meaning. Worse than a no even.

Brendon's fingers are cool from the night air as he slips them under Ryan's chin, turns him until they're eye to eye and mouth to mouth. They kiss, sticky and sweet from the pot. Ryan's lips are a little chapped and Brendon's are a little wet. He presses their foreheads together after, noses touching. "Someone's got to keep you from going," he whispers back, voice almost sad, even though the soft smile.

Ryan brings his hand up, resting it on the nape of Brendon's neck, fingers gently stroking his hair. He leans in for the kiss this time and Brendon returns in full, parted lips. Tongues tasting, almost hesitant. There's a small noise, not quite a moan slipping from his mouth into Brendon's ears. "Always ruining my fun," he chides quietly when they break apart for air, eyes still closed.

The space is closed again, neither quite sure who leaned in first. Brendon's hand slips under Ryan's shirt, fingers stroking the small of his back, imagines taking him right there in the backyard, not caring who can see. Instead he starts leading him back inside without breaking the kiss. The door's still open and they trip inside without falling.

He pushes Ryan against the counter, fingers undoing the button and snap, hand slipping inside. Not enough moisture, just the dry friction of skin on skin. It's an anchor almost and Ryan lets out a whimper, letting his face fall against Brendon's shoulder. It's just them, there. And times loses meaning when Brendon's breathing is heavy and Ryan is moaning, trembling under the fingers.

"Please?" he whispers.

And Brendon turns his head, lips against Ryan's ear as he growls 'no', still imagining the stars outside. Ryan comes in his hand with a shudder and a cry, knees almost giving out.

The kiss is softer after and Brendon's lips aren't as wet.

fandom: bandom, april 04 11, fan: fic

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