Pocket-size Dreams
(1,566) // (PG-13)
Bob Bryar/Frank Iero
Frank doesn’t know his neighbor’s name. There’s only a new, shiny plaque on the door with what he presumes to be his initials (‘R.C.B.’, he checked early that morning), but he prefers to refer to him as 4C Tenant. 4C.
The guys aren't mine, it never happened.
Inspired by
this post at
we_are_cities + #1 Strangers at
slashfic25This is a gift to
ky_betty, with all my love and heart-shaped birthday balloons. ♥ :) Also,
anne_elliot held my hand through it all, made cooing noises, and did the beta duties. Thank you so much. ♥
Frank doesn’t catch much the very first time. Better, he doesn’t catch anything at all but the soft thud of a French window being closed and the vague, fleeting smell of burned tobacco. The third floor apartment has been rented, then.