I'm Okay

Dec 14, 2006 15:44

I'm Okay
Mikey/Gerard---PG-13 for swearing
Written for the December 9th prompt,beta'd by llama_sama(OMG THANKS!).
Not really romantic, and it's sort of sad, but ends nicely.

The italics are from Gerard's point of view, FYI.

You remember all the tears. The tears from the fans, from Bob, Frank, Ray, and Bert ("I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of said the shit I said, I'm so sorry,"). But not you. No. The new you doesn't cry. The new you is strong, improved, emotionless. Like a well oiled machine. Except for the fact that you're human under it all.

You knew they weren't fooled; nobody was. You could never act, but you couldn't bring yourself to break the facade--if it went down, everything came with it. Everything you worked so hard for, the band worked so hard for.

And you would be damned before you let that happen (but that's what you said about someone hurting the people you love).

Now you're sitting next to a bed in a hospital. Sobbing so hard you could lose yourself in it. It comes so easily now; how couldn't it before? Maybe, you think, maybe if I had been a better brother, a better person, cared more, loved more, done something!, then maybe he would be here now.

People walk in, so many people you can't count them all. A doctor is coming in, and a few nurses. You know they're here, you know why, and you know they have to do it. You agreed. Bob, Frank, and Ray all stand next to you, they give you a hug, whisper into your ear ("It wasn't your fault," "He'll be in a better place," "We love you, Mikey, he did too.").

It's time. After all the wait it's time. They all move to the equipment, switching off each machine slowly, faking their morose looks. They've done this so many times, they have a routine. Who will say what, who will write what. It's work to them. Horrible, ugly, heartwrenching, but work all the same.

I can see you Mikey. I can see you from up high in the clouds. I'm okay, and you're going to be okay too; trust me, big brothers know these things. It's so much nicer up here than you could ever imagine. When you and the guys get here, it'll be just like the old times. Better than the old times, because now, the universe is at our fingertips. We hold the strings for what we want on each fingertip, pulling and tugging at our (now still) heart's content.

When you wake up, I know you're not going to remember much, but I hope you still know I love you. Fraternal bonds break through space and time, Mikey. Always remember that.

Mikey awoke in a cold sweat, but he felt light and happy. He didn't know why, but for the first time in a long time he know things were going to turn out right.

dec 09 06

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