Buying a Washer and Dryer (someday) - Front loaders and better Energy, Water conservation

Mar 02, 2009 16:38

I read a cool article about washers and dryers that someone had mentioned in the "Living Cheap" lj (I think...) 
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I should run through these when I finally decide to buy my own washer and dryer.  I will probably wait until I have my own home before I buy a washer and dryer.  (Moving would suck!)  But I will hopefully have a home in the next 5 years or so.

This blurb was from the "living green" daily calendar my uncle john got me for xmas.  (gee thanks!)

"Top-loading washing machines use 45-50 gallons of water per load.  Some high-efficiency front-loaders use only 13 gallons per load.  These types are more energy  efficient and use less detergent." 
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