My sweetheart gave me a surprising Valentine's Day gift this morning: two pounds of coffee grown and harvested by members of Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, i.e. "the EZLN" or "the Zapatistas" in Mexico. One pound is caffeinated, the other is decaf. They are packaged in bags crafted by some of the women of the cooperative. The caffeinated coffee comes in a bag depicting a woman wearing a pasamontañas. while the decaf bag features a pigtailed woman wearing a bandana. (Members of the EZLN hide their faces when they appear in public on behalf of the organization to prevent people from focusing on personalities.) I am fascinated by the EZLN and very sympathetic to their cause. I have yet to brew any of the coffee, but I am looking forward to it.
To continue a day of surprises, Shauna later sent me a picture of Siri...gasp!...standing. She was trying to get her hands on the Sin City DVD laying on the coffee table. Notice all the cushions and pillows placed around to keep her from bumping her head and attempting to keep her somewhat confined. We call it "the pit." But now I'm afraid she has figured out how to move the cushions and pillows. When she starts walking on her own, we are screwed. She is already incessantly curious and mobile.