Jan 29, 2012 15:13
Alrighty Academy!
As you guys can see, I'm trying a new background in the Mod and Crack comms. I had a friend try to help out with the other CSS I had up previously; however, there was something really funky in the coding that made it literally impossible to alter, regardless of what was changed or taken out.
SO. After hours of looking, I found this one!
I'm going to keep it up for a while and see if there's any kinks with the coding, and then sic Mel on it if there is and see if it can't be resolved!
After we get some use of it, I'd like to know whether you guys prefer this new layout or the original; I'll set up a poll in a week or two for that!
Thanks a bunch for being such good sports, Academy!
-Rose Marie, Headmod
i need your help