Something to be proud of

Feb 17, 2009 09:07

Melissa decided that this week, during her February break, she is going to potty train Katie. She bought little training pants for her, and we have a toilet seat that goes over the normal seat for her to sit on. The plan was to take her to the potty every hour in hopes that she pees in it. She has been surprising us though.

Sunday she had two accidents, early in the morning, where she peed her training pants after we had taken her to the potty. These were morning accidents though, and all the rest of the day she had no problem.

Now, that night she got really sick. I did too. We were both throwing up and not sleeping well. Melissa now suspects we got food posioning, as we both ate the same pizza for dinner that night, whereas Melissa had her own pizza and didn't get ill. Anyway, we weren't expecting much of Katie yesterday because of the sickness and sleep problems. Despite that, she told Melissa in the morning that she needed to poop, and did in fact poop in the potty! She had an accident right afterward, which I chalk up to her not being done pooping before she got off the potty, but the rest of the day she didn't have a single accident, even though I put her in a diaper at nap time and she never changed from it. The diaper was still dry that evening when I put her into her bed clothes. She even pooped again in the potty that evening, tell me in advance that she needed to.

Even more miraculous, she fell asleep on the couch at 5:30 last night (she missed her nap because she threw up right after I put her to bed) and we carried her to bed, where she slept until 8:00 this morning. At 8:00 on the dot, she walked into our bedroom and whispered "daddy?" I had gone to bed at the usual time, despite only getting 2 hours of sleep the night before, and had prayed before bed that she sleep through the night and not wake us up until at least 8! So I'm proud of her for sleeping through the night after being sick, and I'm especially proud of her efforts so far to pee in the potty instead of her pants.

potty training, family, katie

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