Nov 30, 2011 15:29
Alright kiddies, this is how it's going to work. From now on, the movies for each month will be set in stone before that month begins. Regardless of the order in which they are featured, each movie will receive it's own preliminary post the month before, and they'll all be posted around the same time. In these posts, members can claim or suggest prompts, enter in contests (if we have any), plan discussions, offer to contribute fanwork ("I totally have some fanfics that would be great to post here!"), ect. It is to generally prepare for that movie to be featured.
To summarize, each movie will definitely have:
- A preliminary post
- A spam party post, where all appropriate gushing may take place
- A "Featured" post, in which fills for featured prompts, featured discussions, featured reviews, featured graphics, and contest winners will be listed.
- A general summary post, which the mods will keep track of ALL community posts, discussion, fanworks, ect. posted for that particular movie. When the celebration is over, it will basically become an archive for that movie.
Guidelines For Preliminary Posts:
1.) Each movie of the week will have seven Featured Prompts, which the mods will decide beforehand. One for each day of the week. Themes will vary, but one recurring theme is Songfic Saturday, in which someone can submit a fanwork based on ANY song from the Movie of the Week's soundtrack. As long as it is on the soundtrack (or from the score), it is okay.
2.) To claim a featured prompt, all you need to do is sign up on the movie's preliminary post. Guidelines for claiming will be featured on the post.
3.) If you do claim a prompt, your work will automatically be featured in that movie's "Featured" post (more on that below). Only one person may claim a prompt and be featured in this way.
4.) You may claim up to two official prompts.
5.) If you haven't claimed a prompt, you are still free to submit a fill for that prompt. However, only the person with the claim will be featured.
6.) If you fill a prompt, regardless of claim, you work will still be archived. Out of courtesy, please contact the mods if you do fill a prompt. We will make sure you are listed!
7.) All ratings of prompts are acceptable. However, please put a warning in the subject line if your prompt is inappropriate for those under age fifteen.
8.) All types of fills are acceptable. Again, please warn for adult content should your fill have any.
1.) Each movie of the week will have a Featured Discussion. This post will go up at the time of the spam party post. Anonymous commenting will be allowed.
2.) Again, if you would like to start a separate discussion on a different topic, you are free to do so as long as you are a member.
1.) Anyone may write a review of the movie while it is being featured. However, if you ask on the preliminary post, your review will become the movie's Featured Review.
1.) Each movie will have it's own Featured Graphics. We hope to feature one banner, icon, and wallpaper each week.
2.) Users may submit graphics in the preliminary post to be considered. Users can then vote for their favorite graphic. The winners will be featured. While the other "Featureds" are first come, first serve, we thought it would be fun if we treated Featured Graphics like a contest each week.
3.) More guidelines on how to participate will be given in the preliminary post.
1.) Guidelines for each contest will be given when that particular contest is posted.
Have fun! :D