Hello everyone! Friendly neighborhood mod here.
I'm so happy about all of the members and watchers this community has gained over the past few months. We're doing really well! The only thing is, I am quickly realizing that my personal life will be interfering with the rewatch parties and getting stuff for the movie posted up each week. This was the same case for
disneyglitter, whom I sincerely thank for her work here.
As such, I am looking for more mods for this community, and am willing to give a try to anyone who signs on to do the job. Mods can help me with posting up the spam party links, which is actually the most important thing if I can't be here. They can also help me with trivia/fanart/reviews/ect. or just contribute in any way they feel fit.
Please leave a comment on this post or send me a message if you're interested! :D