Entry Count
#: 22#: 13
I’m so very tired of this semester! Sorry this is up so late, once again. X_X I only have one more week of school then I’ll be able to catch up on all sorts of stuff, including this community! X_X But, regardless, on with the new challenge! (Finally!)
Theme: What Becomes of Snow?
Directions: With December already here, I believe it is time for a winter theme. So, the theme for this week is Snow. Your icon must feature snow in some way. Any Disney character can be in the icon, just as long as snow is present. ^_^
Entries: Text is allowed, blending is allowed! No animations. You may enter THREE (3) icons. ^_^
Character: Basil, the Great Mouse Detective
Directions: You get major points if you remember this movie! It’s one of my all time favorite and it never gets any love. So, I decided to fix that. ^_^ So, this week’s Profile Challenge is of Basil of Baker Street, from the Disney moive, The Great Mouse Detective. ^_^
Entries: Same rules as above. Text and blending of the three above pictures only is allowed. However you may only enter TWO (2) icons for the character challenge.
Overall Rules:
*All icons must be new! As in they can not be any more than SEVEN (7) days old.
*DO NOT display your icons ANYWHERE until winners have been announced.
*All icons must fit LJ standards (no more than 100x100 pixels, no more than 40kb)
*You do not have to enter both challenges.
*Please specify which challenge your icon is for (need to get into the habit ~_^)
*Please give the submit the icon and the URL.
*Please put both sets of icons in the same comment, if possible. (If you've already submitted them separately, that's fine. just remeber for next time. ;) )
*Deadline for entries is the stroke of midnight (Eastern Time) Friday, December 8th, 2006.
*Don't hesitate to ask questions. ^_^
*Have fun! ^_^
P.S. An Icon of the Year vote will be up within the next few weeks, so keep your eyes open! If you have gotten first place in any challenge (this includes the new profile challenges) since Janurary, you're in the running! ^_^ Good luck!