There have been some changes around here! Our
layout is one of them. But the biggest is the way we will be running challenges.
Instead of one themed challenge as there has been in the past, we will be introducing two challenges. The first challenge will be more or less the same as before, but the second challenge will be different. The second challenge is a character profile. There will be a different character every week with provided screencaps and anything goes - as long as you use the screencap, of course! Icons for both challenges will be submitted to the same challenge post, so make sure you mention which challenge you're entering.
Voting will also be changing. No more four votes - just back to the regular three. The voting sytem will stay the same, so remember when you vote, to put your favourite first, second favourtie second and third favourite third.
The community rules have been updated, so make sure you have a
read through them.
Any questions? Ask away.