Challenge: #008
Theme: Lilo & Stitch
Directions: You may enter TWO icons in this contest, but... no animated icons.You can use any character from Lilo & Stitch movies. Ex. Lilo, stitch, Nani,Cobra Bubbles and even the frog. You can also use just the background scenery of Lilo & Stitch movie.This can be cartoon, clipart, play,art work, video game, ride ...ANYTHING Lilo & Stitch!You can even use pictures from the tv series or the Lilo & Stitch sequels. There are some pictures under the link that can be used for the challenge if you cannot find pictures. These screencaps were provided by
Deadline: Friday October 21, 2005 9PM PST
Enter your icon(s) here as a comment! All comments are screened.
Remember - no using your icon(s) anywhere before voting is finished, and no entering your icon in a contest elsewhere! Thanks, and have fun!