The day the world remembered who Lance Bass is

Jul 26, 2006 19:47

My day started out pretty routine; got up, got dressed, got my starbucks and went to work. The minute I walked through the door to work I already had a phone call. My ex-coworker, who is gay, called me to tell me that on the radio they said that Lance Bass was gay. Having basically stopped being involved with the fandom, I had no idea what he was talking about. Frankly I wasn't suprised, and said as much to my friend. In the course of the day I talked to six separate people about it which is crazy. And, some of those people I haven't talked to in months. I can't remember the last time I talked to anyone about anything Nsync related, let alone Lance related. I'm proud that Lance had the guts to come out, and as a friend and I were saying, not very many celebrity guys are openly gay so it definately took some guts to come out. Good for Lance, and hey, he finally got a magazine cover all to himself. :-P
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