the smells of spring are the was 86 today.

Mar 27, 2007 22:29

I am totally head over heels in love with wild berry toostie pops. Yes, they totally have my heart. They’re new..and oh so good. Right now I have "wild apple berry" in my mouth. I didn’t know an apple could be wild..or an apple cough be berry at that. But mmm is all I have to say.

Do you know who I absolutely love lately? Jen from work. I’ve said this before, but I’m going to say it again. She is such an amazingly good person, it blows my mind away. And I really enjoy working with her…laughing with her…just being around her so much. I’m so comfortable around her its crazy...I really like it. She is just the sweetest thing on this planet. Like today, we were in a meeting…and I see her scribbling something on her notepad…and I look down and its "cupcake holders, eggs, icing"...she was making a grocery list of things she needed to pick up after work. Why you ask? Oh shes making us cupcakes!@….shes so fucking cute. And she was like "Kristin…what kind of icing do you want? like peanut butter right?" And I was like "marry me?" haha. She just has this innocence about her that I am I crazy for. How can someone be so pure? Someone who deserves SO much but hasn’t necessarily been dealt the greatest cards over the has she not turned bitter yet? I dunno...I guess I just really admire her. Hah I sound like her number 1 fan right now..maybe because I am lately. That kind of strength and will power is the most mind blowing thing to me.

Oh I just finished watching this sunday's L word…and boy oh boy did I see the whole Alice talking to Dana thing coming. What does that equate too? Well it means the writers are kicking themselves in the ass for killing Dana hey gotta bring her back somehow right? But the only thing I don’t get is...Dana was SOOOO out of character...not only was her voice deeper, but everything bubbly and fresh about her was gone. She was more of a smart ass in that just wasn’t Dana..I was like "who the hell is this?????". But anyway, I’m curious on where that goes...I’m sure Alice will have a little break down..."say goodbye" to Dana (again) and that will be that. But on a brighter note...I totally want Bette and Tina back together again, how cute are they?! I almost thought it was impossible for their chemistry to come back, boy was I wrong. This is bar talk...not lj talk...where is a bar when I need one...preferably venture.
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