Title: Interview in Japan
Pairing: Wayne Rooney/Cristiano Ronaldo
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This is definitely fake. Don't sue me coz I already said it's NOT TRUE. None of them are mine, although I wish I could own one of them :P
Author's note: Inspired by this
video "I love your legs. You're so cute." An old Japanese host told him, but of course Cristiano doesn't know what he meant in the foreign language, not until a woman translator told him.
Cute, my arse! You don't fuckin' touch him. Wayne faking his laugh in front of the tv. He's mine! His legs belong to me! Wayne drifts to his own land as the interview continues.
Later, the Portuguese gets up to leave, and his boyfriend follows him, but soon realises that he has to stay for the interview.
He watches his boyfriend leaving him. Ronny....don't you leave me here alone. I don't understand a word they said. C'mon.... come back here...You know I hate to do interview alone...
He then turns his focus back to the host and forces a smile to hide his nervousness.
"So tell me about that only goal."
"Em, it was an important one, and thanks to Ronny, em.. Cristiano for the superb pass. Em, I'm delighted to score for the club and help the club to win the trophy." Wayne smiles nervously.
"One last question, as a mate of Ronaldo, do you think he will leave after this season?"
"NO... Em definitely not... well em, you know what paper published is totally rubbish."
"You sure he's staying?"
"Yes, definitely." Why would he wanted to go to fuckin' Madrid when I'm right here!
"Yes, to all the United fans, you heard it here first that Cristiano Ronaldo is not leaving, according to his mate, Wayne Rooney." The host said in Japanese and then turns back to the striker.
"Thank you for the wonderful time here. Congratulations once again, to you, Cristiano Ronaldo, and the club. You both make a good pair."
Wayne is surprised by the last line as it sounded a different meaning to him. But of course the host is referring to their partnership on the pitch, and not their....secret affair.
"Thank you." Wayne said and then leave the 'studio' to look for his cute boyfriend.