Jul 14, 2006 21:55
Just went shopping for the Vacation wings & things.
That cart weighed about seven THOUSAND pounds.
Went to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean.
It was badass.
I went with Rachel and my other friend Celeste.
I have more female friends than male...
Maybe I'm gay, so shoot me.
Rachel is the most awesome. =)
I'm gonna pack my stuff tonight,
got it all washed and is sitting in my room since 3 days ago.
I also haven't leveled up in WoW in 3 days.
My goal was 45 before vacation...44 is good enough.
Brett's fuckin 54 though D=
mEgA hEaDaChE!
I got some gatorade in the freeza, and I'ma drink it.
Bye bye augusta!
I'm gonna miss my Rachel, if you read this I love you!!!