These hacks and objects grant you access to both new and rare interactions in game, like cheer up, throw up, lecture and so on. Sometimes, even with the boxes mentioned earlier it is hard to make the scene look "natural", so these are a great aid because your sims will be doing the "real thing".
Deadly Neck Bite - Killer Vampires
This new interaction allows vampires to be able to kill any sim they want. Moreover, this new interaction satisfies the vampire's hunger motive. (Vampires love blood!)
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=295358 Disintegrator Phasor Assault Rifle Other Shooters from Simwardrobe Mrs. Crumplebottom's Purse
This purse will allow any teen, adult or elder sim to go smacking on another sim, just like Mrs. Crumplebottom. Crate of Throwing Axes
This crate of throwing axes contains many axes that can be thrown at other sims. As you might imagine, this can prove fatal. Dueling Swords
These fine swords can be used to duel other sims in a realistic looking sword fight. The sword fighting provides fun and social and will not result in injury to either participant. Childhood Crushes / First Kiss Mod
http://www.simbology.com/mods/inteen/misc/social_childhood_crushes_10b.zip Sleep on Community/OFB/Vacation/Apartment/Secret lots - Global Hack
http://hideki.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=241797 Melee Weapons
http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=307527 Bad Habits and Gross Behavior
http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=203528 Sunbathe Anywhere
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=295611 Box of Skates
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=301776 Playground Objects Enabled for Adults
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,92045.0.html (No Pic)
All Sims Walk Sexy
This mod makes all sims walk sexy when doing romance interactions like the romance sims do.
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,95717.0.html All Spells Unlocked
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,95227.0.html Desperation Interactions Enabled EP8
This mod allows you to have sims throw a tantrum (children and teens), cry, panhandle for simoleons, talk to cup-stick buddy, toss love flour sack baby, romance sponge mop lover, Learn from Prof. von Ball, all cheesed out, & wear a lamp shade on their head.
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,91765.0.html Hug & Poke Unconditional Interaction Enabled
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,95981.0.html Get Abducted Enabled <3 (Although it's not updated for FT and AL :( )
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,10697.0.html Bigfoot Scare Interaction Enabled
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=94782 Bigfoot Romance
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=297521 Blow Bubbles Enabled for Older Sims & More Updated For FreeTime (& AL)
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=14172 EP2 required:First Kiss Interaction Enabled
This mod enables first kiss to be used any time you wish as long as the relationship score is high enough between your sims.
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=16106 (Works fine with all the EPs. I always screw up when I'm trying to take pictures of my sims' first kisses, so it's neat to be able to repeat them as much as needed :P)
EP2 required:Cheer up interaction enabled
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=9447 Kick Tombstones Enabled
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=14708 Throw up interaction enabled
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10317 Squinge's Moviemaking & Storytelling Mods (Enable more interactions not listed here)
http://www.insimenator.org/showthread.php?t=10453 Fashion Show
Now you can have models in designer clothing strutting their stuff on the catwalk. The fashion show controller will let you put on a fashion show with as many as eight models. Each model can be attired in any outfit in your game, including your favorite designer clothing (custom content). Employee Musician Controller
The Employee Musician Controller will allow you to assign an OFB employee to play a musical instrument. Multiple employees will play together as a band. You can choose the type of music (rock, country or jazz) that the employee or employees will play. (This is useful to have a music band in the background of your scene, without worrying about controlling them)
Hacks, fixes and other useful finds
HP's Taking Totally Bitchin' Pics Collection:
http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=224892 (No Picture)
The Insimenator (UNSUPPORTED)
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,100226.0.html How to use it:
http://www.sims2wiki.info/wiki.php?title=InSimenator/InSimenator_Machine No 'zzZZ' while sleeping (Global Mod)
http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=227410 No Visual Effects for Stereo/Karaoke/DJ Booth
http://linna.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=209308 Fourth-Wall Options (look at me hack):
http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=268960 Movie Maker Tools
Allows you to force a sim to think about another sims on command. Allows you to turn the Zzz's while sleeping on and off. Allows you to trigger a nightmare on command. Only fully compatible with NL, some features may or may not work in later versions.
http://www.simbology.com/smf/index.php?topic=6.0 No Reagents Needed for Spells
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=299368 Book of Talents
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=293562 Teleport Anywhere
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=296521 Treeag's Freezer Clock:
http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?p=2037726&posted=1#post2037726 Sit Option For Tables
http://www.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=218039 (No Pic)
Yellow Pee
http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/ffs/al/hacks/yellowpee.zip Realistic Vomit
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=306003 User-Interface Mod: No Red Lines During Pause
http://www.insimenator.org/smf/index.php/topic,62217.0.html OpenMic Visitor Enabled
http://www.insimenator.org/index.php/topic,93226.msg1377958.html#msg1377958 Maxis Modular Stairs Passage Fix
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=303905 (No Pic)
Object Sound (Soundinfo) Fix for Maxis Objects
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=303784 No Unneeded UI Sounds
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=281167 Visual Teleporter
The Visual Teleporter will allow you to bring any sim in the game to your lot. The sims you can choose from are sorted into logical groups like NPCs, townies and playable sims. The telephone dialog is used so you can easily find the sim you are looking for. You can see the thumbnail portrait, first and last name and the lot address (if applicable) of the sims before you pick one to teleport. Sim Transporter
http://sumomo.modthesims2.com/download.php?t=288005SimTransporter is a tool with which you can move in and out sims easily. It isn't a teleporter but a move in tool.
For an example, if you want to move Cassandra to Darren Dreamer's family and you are now playing Lothario, you don't need to quit Lothario and then enter Darren's lot. You can "transport" Cassandra to Darren's lot while playing Lothario. If you visit Darren's house after that, Cassandra will be there.
Transport Sim: Transport sim A from family B to family C.
Life Tranporter: Create and transport a new sim A whose parent is sim B and C, to family D.
Resurrection Transporter: Resurrect and transport a dead sim A to family B (Ep1 required).
Add to My Family: Move in sim A from any family to current family.
Death Transporter: Kill a sim.
You can remove the Censor Blur with the help of SimPe.
http://simpeforum.ambertation.de/sims2/how-to-remove-the-censor-blur-from-my-sims Naked Hot Tub (NSFW)
http://www.insimadult.org/index.php/topic,37170.0/prev_next,next.html Sux McNutty's Orgy Rug (NSFW)
http://www.insimadult.org/index.php/topic,37131.0.html Invisible Recolor (NSFW)
http://www.insimadult.org/index.php/topic,37170.0.html ________________________