[ONESHOT] Zhoumi the mythbuster

Oct 11, 2010 02:10

Title: Zhoumi the Myth buster
Rating: PG
Characters/pairings: Zhoumi-centric, ninja!hanchul, ninja!kyumin, cameos from other SM artists. XD
Summary: Have you ever wondered what's really happening behind the scenes? Let Zhoumi enlighten you into the deep dark world of Super Junior.
Notes: This is purely fictional...XD Also, this was written eons ago. I just kind of forgot to post it. -.-

MYTH: Sungmin is a lover of stuffed animals.

Findings: Zhoumi looked around the Kyumin room and saw the mountains of stuffed animals...on Kyuhyun's bed.He was confused. Why are they on Kui Xian's bed? He thought. He snooped around once more before coming face to face with Kyuhyun.

"Kui Xian! You scared me! What are you doing here?!"

Kyuhyun frowned at him. "Shouldn't I be the one to say that? This is my room." He said deadpanned.

Zhoumi gave him a sheepish smile. He then remembered his purpose. "Oh yeah! Why are there stuffed animals on your bed? Aren't they Sungmin hyung's?"

The other sighed before making way towards his bed. "They are...well were. Until our Hongkong stop last super show."

"What do you mean?"

"It all started during the Miracle perf and Sungmin hyung saw this Panda..."

Result: No. He's currently obsessed on having a certain panda though.

MYTH: Henber is REAL.

Findings: Zhoumi knows there's something fishy (no not you Hae) between Amber and Henry. He just can't point it out because Henry's too busy with his girls and Amber's too busy with her boys...and girls. Yet if all those late night phonecalls to one Amber Liu from one Henry Lau is any indication...it's getting there. XD

Result: It's not true...YET.


Findings: It's actually a touchy subject right now in Suju dorm. They're suppose to be the ultimate couple. The adam and eve. The Romeo and Juliet. The vice and the versa. The...Zhoumi stopped with his train of thoughts when the door suddenly opened and Heechul entered.

"I HATE YOU! DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK ANYMORE!!!! WE'RE THROUGH!!!!!" at that he promptly chucked the iphone to the wall.

Result: well...not now.

MYTH: Suju Funk

Findings: For Zhoumi, to say Super Junior doesn't know how to be serious is like saying the sky is pink...not that sungmin would mind that. When it comes to meetings, they are the scariest group in SME. Every time, he feels like he's in mafia meeting or something.This kind of meeting was no exemption.

"I really think we should go gothic this time around."

"And end up looking like Yehsung? No way."

"Hey! At least I didn't suggest us on being some clowns."

"So what do we do now? Anyone? Yes, wookie ah?"


Result: SME loled liked the idea but have decided to change a letter for the censor board. After all, fans would see right through the ruse from the start...eunhyuk's abs be damned.

MYTH: Sungmin got a twitter because of the hype.

Findings: It was like a new virus that everyone caught. Well, almost everyone since Zhoumi will stick to his weibo, thank you very much. So when Sungmin said that he doesn't want anything to do with it, he thought he found his kindred soul. That was until that fateful day.

"Hey Zhoumi,can you lend Donghae your laptop? Please?" Sungmin gave him the infamous puppy eyes so even though there's a 30% chance his beloved butterbee would be destroyed, he can't help but agree.

"Don't worry. I'll be there to supervise him so he won't accidentally delete everything or something."

A few hours after, Zhoumi walked passed Donghae's room and just like what he said, Sungmin was there, reading a book while Donghae searched the web.

"Hyung! Remember that Panda we saw last time? He has a twitter!"


"Look!" Donghae then showed the said panda's twitter homepage.

"Oh. Say Donghae-ah...is this twitter hard to understand?"

Findings: He didn't create just one. He created two. One for his fans...and one for a certain panda.

MYTH:... he then deleted it because he was busy.

Findings: Everyone was surprised when Kyuhyun created a twitter account. But for Sungmin to announce he will delete his account created chaos. Zhoumi was actually surprised since Sungmin became an addict the moment he made his. 'There must be a reason and that's not because he's busy.' He thought. And since he's the curious type so he made it his mission to know. However, upon entering Kyumin's room, he might've picked the wrong time...or maybe the right one.



"Uh..." he looked at Kyu who just shrugged.

"THAT'S IT! I'M DELETING MY ACCOUNT!" However, Sungmin paused before pressing the okay button. Kyu, being Kyu, have decided it's enough and pressed it for him.


Results: Real reason: classified
Status of the victim: (Identified as one Cho Kyuhyun) Currently unconscious.
Status of the victim's twitter account: Being used to stalk one panda.

MYTH: Henry doesn't like Lady Gaga.

Findings: Zhoumi raised his eyebrows when Henry would repeatedly say he doens't like Lady Gaga. Whenever someone would mention her or they would hear her song, he's the first to react. It made him suspicious that he actually do like her. So he made some research (yes,he's a techwhiz. But sshhh..no one's suppose to know.) and was quite suprised on what he had found.

Result: At least he can black mail him now. After all, for someone who vehemently say they don't like her, to get tickets to her concert was NOT showing support. Really.

MYTH: Vicmi is Real

Findings: Zhoumi blinked. What the heck is Vicmi? He kept hearing it nowadays but can't understand what they mean.Was it a Korean word he doesn't know? However, he can't find it in any dictionary. he tried asking the members but they all jsut show him conspiratory smirks. Even Kim Heechul, who's a bit more prissy nowadays, actually left him while laughing his head off. He tried asking other artists and trainess but they were the same. The only one who gave him the same clueless look was Victoria. 'So maybe it was some joke Chinese people can't comprehend.' He thought.

He's about to leave to ask other when Victoria told him she's going to do a new show. She's going to get married. As she kept on babbling about her still unknown husband, Zhoumi was surprised. For a part of him was hurt when she told him that.

Results: Meaning of vicmi and unknown feeling Zhoumi has: Status unknown.


pairing:hanchul, chapter:oneshot, centric:zhoumi, author:lucid-acolyte, pairing:kyumin, archive: lucid_acolyte, rating: pg-13, genre: crack

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