Jan 30, 2004 21:05
HAHAH.. Cuh lol.. Anywho.. It's been a long ass time since I updizated this god damn thing.. It's Friday night and I'm home.. Fun stuff huh? Yea.. Mazie went home for the weekend..
Um.. I'm going out tomorrow night.. Gonna go party :)... It makes me happy.. Then Sunday.. wooooot SUPERBOWL BABY... Omg I'm so fucking psyched...LETS GO PATRIOTS hehe
So what have I been up to? Hrm.. Nothing really.. I dunno if many of you knew but Alex and I were talking a little bit again.. but I couldn't take his shit so told him to fuck off.. He's too immature for me.. I dunno why I ever talked to him.. Makes me mad.. Wasted 6 years of my life.. on what? On absolutely friggin nothing.. That's all he is.. It's sickening how him and Cherry have no qualms about having sex when it's a maaaajor age difference.. that's like screwing my cousin... 14-18.. eck disgusting... *shrugs*
Um.. Just been chillin.. Started new classes. Oh wait already wrote about that.. Um.. hrm.. I dunno Oh yea.. For the first time ever I had a migraine last week.. oh damn it sucked.. I never had one before.. I was watching the OC and my eyes just started flashing like what happens when you go from extremely bright to dark.. It wouldn't go away, then it brought maaajor pain in my head.. I had taken the next day offa class and went down to the infirmary to find out what the hell was wrong with me...Turns out I did indeed have a migraine.. Oh man.. It hurt so bad.. Every light, every noise.. God I hope I never get one of those shits again...
Um.. what else.. Nothing really interesting has happened since I've been back.. I mean, I haven't been out whether it was for the weather (fucking snow) or because I was sick... I'll have to update tomorrow when I actually go out.. It'll be interesting to say the least...
Well I'm gonna go.. I'll update laters.