Aug 04, 2004 09:39

So, I just got back from 3 weeks of amazingness! I miss everyone at WCC so much!
Joe- i love you alot obviously because i named my page after you.... or did I?
Kyle- So hot, want to touch the..... nevermind!
Marguerite- you were the best room mate eva!!!!!!! you rock my socks!
Dee Bra- you are the bra master!
Justin- Do they have people in Alaska? What about Burger King.... do they have that in Alaska? NOOOOOO! oh course not, it's Alaska silly!
Laura- i like it when you sleep in my bed and i kick you in the head lol! that rhymes!
Tom- You rock my socks, and my shoes!
Ava- You are my Latin Goddess!
Sarah- I enjoyed our night together!lol
Thea- You are hot and you know it! I love you and I miss you Brooklyn babe!
Maggie- When do you need another hair cut?
Tuck- I can't explain how much you mean to me! I love you my country queen!
Faith- "have a little faith in meeeee!" I love you and miss you gurl!!!!
Ashley- My baby! I miss you and I hope England was fun!
Jacob- Bitch means love!
Nadia- Don't mess with Texas!
Lindsey- Any more rugburn?
Ali- Shit gurl!
Erin- hey! Your cool!

And to all of those whom I forgot!, I am sorry but I am an ADD child as we all know! Just remember! HEY GUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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