Story titles are linked to their respective
whitecollarfic announcement posts, in most cases. Further information about pairings, genres, word counts, etc, can be found there.
Let us Live, Let us Love by elrhiarhodan
Spoilers: none
Recap of 3.8 with screencaps posted by china_shop
Spoilers: 3.08
It Ends With Lies by aleanorblack
Spoilers: for 3.08 “As We Were” and 3.07 “Taking Account”
This Means War by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: none
A Gentleman's Guide to Suits, Ties and (white) Collars by the vampirepam
Spoilers: none listed
Happy Birthday by angelcaffrey
Spoilers: none
Savior by mycroftholmes
Spoilers: none listed
Breathe, Keep Breathing by rabidchild67
Spoilers: As You Were
Sympathy for the Devil by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: As You Were
Impossible to Understand by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: none listed
You Watched Me Fall by loveinadoorway
Spoilers: none
It Takes a Con by vesperwhisper
Spoilers: none
Down in the Willow Garden by elrhiarhodan
Spoilers: none
The Choice, part one by rabhirek
Spoilers: Tag to 3x08, As You Were
Note: This information is copied from
whitecollarfic, and has been checked for spoilers. I haven't checked all the stories themselves or the comments on the stories. Caveat emptor. --
dragonfly Crossposted
here (