Jun 21, 2005 15:40
OK, so I'm feeling really bummed out and anxious right now. Tommorrow is my quarterly review and I have a feeling it's not going to be all pats on the back like it always has been in the past. This past quarter has been pure hell for me and I'll be the first to admit it. It stared in March when DH decided to knock me up :-) (no, just kidding, thats the good part). The bad part is that with pregnancy comes sheer exhaustion and many other not so nice symptoms, and I'm not going to lie, the first trimester SUCKS!! Plain and simple! Any woman who tells you that they loved every minute of being pregnant is a liar!! OK, enough of that rant. Back to the work rant. So anyway, this has been a very busy quarter and we just wrapped up a major project, and bottom line is, I'm burnt out and I stopped giving a shit a couple of months ago. I have always loved my job but lately, not so much! I have come to realize that life is so much more important than this, and I am sick of playing the "game", sick of being "pc", sick of being nice to assholes. I just need a break!! I'm off to Sonoma for vacation on Thursday but my fear is, 11 days will come and go and then I'll be back at work, and then what??