Please take a moment to review the rules on the profile page
here before signing up, it is much appreciated!
Sign-ups for round 3!!!
General Rules:
1. In order to participate you must be a member of the community and read the rules on the profile page.
2. Every round is different on what you can claim. Please read carefully below under "Round #: Information" to see how the current round will run.
3. If a claim is chosen for you and you do not like it for whatever reason, you can ask for one alternate claim.
4. If for any reason during the round you feel you may need an extension or to drop ouf of the round please let me know.
5. Sign-ups will remain open during the entire length of the round.
6. If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Have fun!
Round 3: Information
The third round of Wild Card will be dedicated to Halloween "themed" movies!
For this round you will choose some movies that give you that Halloween spirit! This can range from family friendly movies such as Hocus Pocus or regular horror movies like Nightmare on Elm Street. You tell me your top 5 favorite movies that you enjoy watching in October for Halloween!
A mod will then choose one movie that you list at random for your claim, so it does not matter in what order you list them.
Username (no code, please): Movie 1: Movie 2: Movie 3: Movie 4: Movie 5: Themes Suggestions (optional): Participants:
crazycordy: Hocus Pocus
emmatheslayer: Beetle Juice
erinm_4600: Sleepy Hollow
icy_imaginary: Trick 'r Treat
Halliwell: Scream
gabby227: Casper