Hey guys!! I'm back from my t-town venture!! It was really fun. I went yesterday for Sarah's 18th b'day. It was a lot of fun. It was me, Sarah, Inez, Kevin, Kelley, Cara, Robert (cara's bf), Lee (went to Austrialia w/ them), and Erica (also went to Aussie). We basically all just listened to music, danced around,...goofed off...you know, the usual :) I hadn't met Erica or Lee before, but i felt like I already knew them from what Inez and Sarah have told me about them...and showed me pictures. I didn't really get to talk to Lee much, cause he had to leave early, but Erica was really cool. I'll try to post pictures later.
Anyway, after the party, me, inez, and kelley all went to sarah's house to get inez's stuff, but then we decided to all go to kelley's... So we all spent the night at Kelley's house. lol we watched the Best of Will Farrell (now the songs are in my head). This morning we woke up and we made funnel cakes (yeah, i know, talk about fattening) but they were really good!! So after that, we were really hyper. lol Sarah was on rapped in a blanket on the floor and was rolling over Kelley while saying "I'm a steamroller!!" I was sooo funny.
Okay, so then I had to leave, because my mom called and told me that I had to leave like right then so I could beat the storm. So I ate lunch (which was really good btw), then got my guitar at inez's, and headed on. I beat the rain most of the way..my dad called me at one point and told me that the storm was right on my tail. So after I got on 20, the rain started coming down really really hard! I couldn't see 3 feet in front of me!! It was crazy! Everyone slowed down to like 40/45 mph!! it was crazy! The only thing that I could do was follow the tail lights of the 18 wheeler in front of me, and attempt to see the lines on the road! Oh and this one time when I was on a bridge and this car behind me splashed this lake of water on to my car! It was so much water that I couldn't see anything for a few seconds, not even light! It was insane....like the scariest thing ever!!
Anyway, now I'm home. Barry just called and asked if I wanted to go to this group thing at his house. So, i'm going there tonight. But bigger news! while I was on the phone, my dad came in w/ a letter! And he was like "you have a letter from the admissions department at the University of Alabama!" and i was like "oh my gosh!" and i made him open it, cause i was too scared...and...guess what.....I GOT IN!! YAY!! I'm going to ALABAMA!! I'm happy!! Okay well i better go do some homework before i go to Barry's. Here's a quote:
"Fast car, on the highway, on the byway, Mr. Robotron" --Best of Will Farrell
The season premiere of Desperate Housewives comes on tonight!!! (i'll have to tivo it, of course)