It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

Aug 07, 2005 19:05

OMG! Okay, so yesterday i was on my way to inez's, and i was in Lincoln and I was behind this green Jeep (with an Auburn sticker on their back window) and all of a sudden, these two beagles come bolting across the road, and the first one just barely got by, but the second one got hit by the car in front of me! Not just hit, like run over! It's was so tramatic, you guys!! I couldn't believe it was happening; I have this mental picture in my brain, and it's so sad. They ran over it on the right set of tires and it like rolled between the tires and landed like right in front of my, so i swerved to miss it and so did the ppl behind me, but i saw it as i was passing it. It was so sad! It was laying there all still with it's tongue hanging out of it's mouth! Oh my gosh, i was so tramatized, i was on the verge of tears! And the worst part was, the driver of the car only slowed down for a second, right before they hit it, and then just kept driving like nothing happened! I would have freaked out, maybe have a nice panic attach, and either see if it was okay or move it out of the road...but no..
Anyway, on a lighter note, I went to inez's party, which is soooo much fun! They played twister and i took pictures. (Kevin was happy to pose for the cameras). We danced ( well as me and inez CAN dance) and watched iRobot (though i didn't watch all of it, i went outside and talked to Sarah and Cara for a while). Inez seemed to like her present (National Treasure and Hitch) was so funny to watch her open this present, because, It started out w/ a big box (about the size of a round cake box) with To:(inez's picture) and From :(my picture) on it, then she opened that and there were seventeen copies of this one picture of inez laughing (they were numbered) covering a box with a big picture of inez looking all confused and written on it, it said "Confused? Well, you did tell me to be creative!" And then inside that box were two green evelopes which contained her movies lol! I thought that if i couldn't get very creative w/ the present that i would be creative w/ the wrapping, so i did. Her parents got her the third season of Gilmore girls (yay inez!).
Today we woke up, watched a little gg, and then went to the mall. We found these fo suede and wool blankets for ten dollars! They used to be 40! Score! Then i found some buttons that i liked, so i bought three (it was 3 for 5 dollars) and put them on my purse from Old Navy. It reminded me of that part from Office Space (pieces of flare!). Anyway then I found some clothes that i liked but couldn't afford; We looked for one of those photobooth things, but we couldn't find one....the only one we knew of wasn't there anymore :( But oh well, it was fun anyway. Then, unfortunately, i drove back to Jacksonville...where Summer Reading I better go. Here's a quote:

QUOTE CORRECTION: "though emotions don't seem like a very useful simulation for a robot...i mean, hell, i dont' want my vacuum cleaner or my toaster appearing emotional.."
--iRobot (thanks Sarah)
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