WOWPS 2008 Dates/Location Change!

Nov 15, 2007 07:06


The first-ever Women of the World Poetry Slam (WOWPS) - the huge, individual contest that Poetry Slam, Inc. (PSI) is starting in 2008 for women poets only - has a different location and slightly different dates.

Those of you in contention or looking to get in contention via the last slam this month at Writers' Block (last Wednesday of the month at Kafe Kerouac), take heed!  Below is the official announcement from Poetry Slam, Inc.'s Executive Director, Steve Marsh.  This went out a few days ago, but I wanted things to firm up before I posted it for our community.  This is a good move, trust me...I'm the president!


This is the official announcement that confirms some low grade rumors. The WOWps 2008 gig has been moved to Detroit. It was just impossible to promote in the Chicago market on the budget we have available for a new event. The first hard-core planning meeting took place in Detroit last night, November 11 and all the details of dates, venues, etc. will be coming very soon. Keep your eyes peeled here (I have not announced it to general membership yet. Still waiting for some of the details to firm up.) and at (which still says it is in Chicago. Updates all around coming very soon.) Detroit is completely psyched about this event!

And because you made the trip here, an exercise:

"She laughed at rain, made faces at the moon..."

wowps, slams, exercises, psi

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